Terra Mater Wildlife Shelter
Because Mother Earth is for all of us
Patrick wants to walk again
October 2023
Patrick is in need of surgery to help save his life and get him walking again. His leg is badly broken, and required pins and plates to fix his leg. The estimated cost of his surgery is just over $6,000. A rather large and unexpected bill for the shelter. Patrick will need to see a specialist equine hospital for the surgery due to the nature of the break.
We are doing a fund-raiser to help Patrick walk again.
Patrick’s Story
Patrick doesn't think of himself as an alpaca. He believes he's more a sheep or a human. So when the gate separating him from another alpaca was open, he stood there innocently contemplating life, as another alpaca ran at him head first like a steam train.
Whack! Patrick was down, and not getting up. Patrick's owners tried to help him, but they live hours away from his paddock, and being so remote, no vets service the area. They were unable to provide the care he needed.
We see Patrick every day, he lives next door to us.
So when we heard he needed help, we jumped into action and took Patrick on as another resident at the shelter. We borrowed a horse float, and got him to the vets for a much needed assessment. Sadly, Patrick's leg is badly broken, and he needs surgery so he can walk again. He has a very gentle nature, and let's us move, poke, prod and treat him without a single fuss.
We've set up a hospital area for him, and he's set for surgery early next week. Stay tuned to follow Patrick's story. https://www.facebook.com/TerraMaterWildlifeShelter
Terra Mater Wildlife Shelter
BSB 633 000 ACC 189 861 842
Wildlife Emergency Response Vehicle Fundraiser
February 3rd 2023
2022 Floods Wildlife Response success sadly see’s the end of our rescue car
In October 2022 Victoria saw the biggest rainfall event in decades. A state of disaster was declared, as flood waters rose in towns and cities, thousands of people evacuated. The waters rose steadily across the landscape and remained for months. The impacts on wildlife were devastating.
The shelter was inundated with water, and we were trapped for days. Then the calls started coming in. Once the roads were passable, we hit the ground running. We started in Shepparton rescuing stranded kangaroos with Wildlife Victoria and Five Freedoms Animal Rescue.
Then there was the wombat! Found precariously placed on a pile of debris against a footbridge on the Goulburn River. Once again Five Freedoms and Terra Mater worked together to rescue the sodden wombat, and move her to safe ground nearby!
The calls continued to come in, now along the Murray River at the Victorian and New South Wales border near Moama. Stranded Kangaroos and Wallabies were reported on many small islands, and they had run out food. With the help of local landholders, Wildlife Victoria and WIRES we did the following:
We attended to injured, displaced and stranded wildlife impacted by the floods for four long months.
We did over 12,000km.
We delivered around 10,000kg of feed - thats 10 tonnes!
We helped support hundreds of kangaroos and wallabies.
We repaired two boats and motors countless times.
We ruined four pairs of boots, and many, many pairs of socks.
We had to replace eight tyres across two vehicles and a boat trailer.
We installed a new clutch on one of the cars to keep going.
And finally, our poor, over-used rescue car gave up. After taking it through flood waters, along difficult terrain, towing a heavy boat loaded with feed long distances, and only just making it through the last feed run.
Now we need your help.
We need a rescue vehicle.
We spent over a thousand dollars trying to repair our 23 year old rescue car, only to find the engine is irreparable.
The shelter is now left without a rescue vehicle. Rescue calls continue to come in from the community, and it's with heavy hearts we can't attend these calls. As the landscape dries, we're reminded that we're now in fire season without an emergency response vehicle.
We are scared about what this will mean for our ability to respond to any emergency situations. We are in desperate need of a vehicle to use to help both the community and wildlife on an every day basis.
It is with much swallowed pride, we reach out to you to see if you can help us.
We're fundraising for a rescue vehicle.
In order to effectively carry our equipment and any injured animals through difficult terrain and country roads we need a 4x4 diesel powered, dual-cab ute preferably with a canopy.Market values indicate we need approximately $25,000 to get a vehicle that will be reliable for many years to come.
Terra Mater Wildlife Shelter inc
BSB 633 000
ACC 189 861 842
Terra Mater Wildlife Shelter inc.
BSB 633 000
ACC 189 861 842
We are a voluntary organisation who rescue, care and rehabilitate sick, injured and orphaned wildlife in central Victoria.
Show your support through financial donations or by volunteering at the Shelter.